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Sunday, July 31, 2011
What then shall we do?
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The legacy of Christendom?
John Stott weighs in
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Dandelion fluff
We talked yesterday in class about dandelions. I thought how these students are like the bloom on a dandelion, that blossoms and grows and sends down deep roots into the soil in a place, then one night closes and reopens transformed, and each facet of that blossom -- which to us looks like one thing but is really a multitude of flowers clustered together at the head of a milky, hollow stalk -- turns to an aerial acrobatic seed, and as the wind comes up it is loosed from its moorings and borne aloft on the breath of heaven, flying, flying to a destination unknown.
So these students -- and in some sense myself -- are transformed and loosed and soon will be flying where the Spirit leads, to settle to earth again and to take root, dying to self in that new place and producing a new cluster of blossoms that look like one flower but are really multiple blooms clustered together to create new aerial seeds.
So I look back on many flyings, many moves, many rootings and wonder about the multiple places I have put down roots. The farm where I grew up. The Lutheran Bible Institute of Seattle. Fargo, North Dakota. Port Orchard, Washington. Roseville, Minnesota. Luther Seminary. Williston, North Dakota. In each place I have suffered the illusion of permanence and at some point bowed to the Spirit’s blowing, released to fly and put down roots elsewhere.
Sometimes -- and my life is getting more and more like this now that I have lived here longer than anywhere other than the farm where I spent my childhood -- being blown from place to place is not so much about geography as it is about being blown from one stage of life to the next. I watch my girls grow up and get independent and see my odometer rolling over lots more miles and realize I am headed into a whole new stage of life. God is faithful, and just like moving from one place to another, he is already there, already working, already doing what only he can do.
The transformation, the power doesn’t belong to us. We are just cracked pots that migrate from place to place, time to time, carrying for a short time a cargo dictated by his lordship, not our own. We are exiles, aliens, sojourners here, and our citizenship is not of this world.
“You are a king, then?”
“You say I am a king. But my kingdom is not of this world. If it was of this world, my followers would fight.”
Following such a king, whose kingdom is not of this world, we are cautious about holding too tight to the roots we think we have put down.
Dandelion fluff. Chaff on the wind.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
What if ... ?
- The church was centered, focused, laser-like, on Jesus Christ, because they believed Jesus was God's plan for the world.
- The church was led by those who knew Jesus personally. Initially this meant those who had physically eaten and talked with him after his resurrection; later it meant those who had experienced his presence and his power, and who spoke and taught and led in concord with those who had been eyewitnesses.
- The church met primarily in two places: first in people's homes, and second in the temple courts. From other evidence we also see that there were tiny clusters of three or four people who worked together, held each other accountable, and built depth in to their relationships. The church existed in these three ways -- temple, home, and cluster.
- The church was good news. Not just that they talked about good news, but they did good news to the people around them.
- People within the church were held accountable for their actions. This was a community with accountability, and people's character and conduct mattered. Not that everyone was perfect, but stuff didn't just get swept under the rug either.
- The believers met together to center themselves in the Bible's teachings.
- The believers met together to pray for each other and for God's mission in the world.
- The believers were bold in the face of danger and persecution and resistance.
- These believers described themselves as "followers of the Way" by which they meant that their faith in Jesus moved them to action.
- The church believed, taught, and acted on the idea that Jesus was still at work, and that by the power of his Spirit working among them and giving them strength and guidance, they had to be a part of that work because that's where abundant life happens.
Friday, July 22, 2011
More thoughts on theological education, sort of
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
- church leaders who have been infused with comfort in and loyalty to a bureaucracy;
- church leaders who have all the right answers to the wrong questions when it comes to real-life ministry;
- church leaders who are out of touch with the real needs of their congregations;
- church leaders who may have all the right initials behind their names, but who may or may not be qualified to lead the church in making disciples;
- church leaders who might well be leading the church in directions the church should not go.
Theological education
Monday, July 18, 2011
What's the alternative?
- That's not the way I was taught to lead churches.
- If we start to move toward house churches, what happens to the time and energy I've invested over the years in leading congregations?
- Will this affect my salary package?
- Will this affect my pension funds?
- Are we saying that traditional congregations (where I've invested myself) are not as good?
- House churches will be led by people that don't have as much theological training as I do, and they won't be able to lead as well.