[The following was included in Earl’s scrapbook with the caption “Last letter”. It was in a blue envelope labeled “Soldier’s Letter” and the envelope was preprinted with the following statement: “United States Army. This letter must not be used for money or valuables, cannot be registered, and will not be censored by company or regimental censors, but by the Base Censor. I certify that the inclosed letter or letters were written by me, refer only to personal or family matters, and do not refer to military or other matters forbidden by censorship regulations.”]
May 30, 1944
My dear Mother,
I was so glad to get your letter last night. I’ve been trying to write home quite often. I hope you get them. I don’t know when I will get a chance to write again. Don’t worry about me if it is awhile before you hear from me. The years I’ve been in the Army have been pretty rough but I’ve managed. All along I’ve felt the power of the prayers of my dear mother. And I feel that God will be with me in the battles to come. I’ve been training to fight and fight I will. It is my business. I am unafraid to go into combat. Two years ago the thought would have scared me. In fact I’m quite anxious to meet the enemy, but I will want to come home some day, get married and enjoy a quiet peaceful life. The thoughts of home are indeed pleasant. They are fond memories. One of the biggest things the Army has done for me is to appreciate my home, my parents and brothers and sister. Everybody made it pleasant for the other person and that’s what a home should be. I’ll write next chance I get and if I can, I will send a cable gram. Tell Alberts hello, also Louise and the other folks down there. It would sure be fun to see them all again.
I’m going to write a letter to Elsie too tonight. I’ll have to forget about writing to the other people that I owe letters to.
Keep writing.
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