Saturday, March 24, 2012

Checked in!

We are on the ground in Iloilo City, the Philippines. Ronald and Lyn met us at the airport (along with brother Tony) and took us out for a wonderful breakfast. Checked into the hotel, and found that they're doing some construction on the floor above us. Very annoying. But in the grand scheme, it could be a lot worse.

We took a look at Fuentes Church, the place where I will be preaching tomorrow evening and where our Monday and Tuesday seminars will be held. It's the same place I spoke in 2005, and it's a good venue for the Alpha training we're doing. We had a few questions about getting a compatible power supply to my laptop, but Julie K figured that out, so we're good to go.

Now we're in recovery mode -- trying to adjust to the time changes, trying to get some sleep or avoid sleep in order to adjust faster, depending on personal preferences. Today is one of the few days we won't be scheduled tight, so we're enjoying the opportunity to adjust and decompress a little bit. Tomorrow morning we worship at Grace Church in the morning and Fuentes Church in the evening. I'll be preaching on Mark 4 in the morning and Mark 5 in the evening, looking at how Jesus calls the disciples (and us) to go across the lake -- and what happens when they (and we) get there.

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