Saturday, March 31, 2018

The heavens are telling the glory of God

Start with an old iPhone. Add an unskilled photographer. Throw in a below zero windchill. Zoom in as far as you can. And yet, the Easter Eve full moon rising over the meadow below my place tonight is still pretty spectacular.

In the wisdom of God, the date for Easter is calculated based on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox.

A couple observations based on this: We know that as Jesus walked with his disciples out of the upper room on Thursday night of Holy Week (see the end of John 14) and up toward the garden of Gethsemane (see John 18), they would have been walking under a full moon. It's powerful to imagine Jesus pointing out a vineyard along the side of the road as they crossed the Kidron Valley, perhaps, when he launches into "I am the vine, you are the branches" in John 15.

Second, it means that whether we're paying attention or not to the lights that God put in the sky to be signs (see Genesis 1), Easter always happens just after a full moon. So if it's clear, like it is tonight, we get this witness of the light reflected into our darkness (see John 1:5). And no matter how dark the darkness, no matter our circumstances, the darkness cannot put out the light.

Happy Easter.

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