Sunday, June 24, 2018

Back to the gospels

I've managed to spread Fathers Day out over the last two weeks or better. It started with time in Seattle enjoying my younger daughter's Masters graduation. Then we had the big "Share the Dream" event here at Decision Hills, which was great fun. This weekend my older daughter and her husband came to stay over for about 24 hours and we boated around the lake, grilled brats and ham and asparagus and ate blueberries and enjoyed all kinds of great conversation. I'm spoiled, I admit it.

One of the highlights of all this for me is while I was in Seattle, I had the privilege of talking about Bibles and Bible reading with my younger daughter. She was feeling the need for a new Bible, and we compared and contrasted and strategized, and when I got home I ordered her one. The best part is that we also talked about how much better reading the Bible is when you can have a conversation about what you're reading, so we agreed to both read the gospel of Luke and in some way have an ongoing conversation about it. Not sure if that means I'll be blogging more about it, but I'm starting Luke at any rate. I'm still only halfway through the Psalms, but I've been feeling the need to get back into a gospel for a few weeks now. I'll keep reading psalms each day and take my time poring over Luke, I think. And I'm more than a little excited about the conversations that I believe will ensue.

There's so much more to say -- things I'm hoping for, what it is about Luke that I am specifically excited to reread, and so much about the nature of biblical inspiration and how it relates to Luke 1:1-4, among other things. But it's been a long weekend, and I'm having a ton of fun watching the deer (six as I was driving back into the campus after Life Group Leader Training tonight offsite) and enjoying a beautiful summer evening. And there's a rabbit hanging out in the yard right outside my office window. Life is good.

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